Jul 5, 2018

Hutchinson SA Suck Ass and Train

                                 No sarcasm, no orgasm. 

                       For the benefit of the company, now they suck ass and train.  



The Target: The request made to project managers to get empowered to operate and clean the machines was another big provocation, especially for me upon completing two years of employment in the company. The department manager, Natacha Carniol, requested me and some new comers to get empowered to operate all the processing machines within three months, in order to be able to help the technicians when they need extra hands for running the trials and even replace them when they are absent. Amazingly, this request was made during the annual evaluation and it was set as objective for the current year.

Mr Benoualid: Why you find this training inappropriate for managers?

The Target: This objective set for the project managers is a big provocation. It aims to change our role, our tasks defined in our contracts and deteriorate the working conditions, including change of working hours for me, as I was the only one expected to be at work at 8 o’ clock for attending that inappropriate for managers training. The description of the role of project manager does not imply that we have to replace the technicians when they are unavailable. My contract states clearly my role.  It is unacceptable and illegal that I have been asked as annual objective for my evaluation to work as operator. The machines are run by technicians who use certain softwares and press buttons. During the training at the internal mixer I was taught which buttons I had to press and I was even asked to make the cleaning. It is not just demonstration of how a machine works but an illegal demand to get a certificate for operating and even cleaning the machines upon being assessed by a technician, while I am expected to keep working as project manager implementing all the relevant tasks. You impose me, thus, to work in two posts, while my salary is kept down.

Mr Benoualid: No, No. That training for obtaining a certificate is not illegal since it is for the benefit of the company. The director, Nicolas Garois, claimed that the managers need to know the work of the technicians for being capable of assessing their work. If for the advancement of the projects extra hands are needed, then you have to accept an increase in your tasks and get more responsibilities. Since it’s for the benefit of the company, it’s not illegal.

The Target: Does Mr Garois know the office tasks in R&D for being capable of assessing the work of the managers? Has he obtained any academic certificate? He promotes technicians without academic degrees to managers and demotes the highly qualified employees to operators seeking maybe to get kind of revenge because he was in the past technician? He wants us to know his previous tasks, how the technicians work? Mrs Carniol told me that Mr Garois had asked many times why the managers work in their offices and are not in the lab running the machines together with the technicians. If you want the managers to get involved in troubleshooting, which of course is agreeable to us, then you need to provide remote process control facilities and train us on how to use design softwares and not on how to clean the machines. A company which wants to be called progressive must employ state of the art processes and softwares, including remote process control for empowering the managers to monitor the processing machines from their offices. Mr Garois had claimed that the only thing we need is a paper and a pen. This is where the innovation is based on? I agree to attend some trials for my projects when I deem necessary but it is unacceptable to be imposed to work as operator at the machines starting work at 8.

Mr Benoualid: Staying in the office waiting for results of trials isn’t it boring? I find logical to question why the managers are not all the time together with the operators at the machines.

The Target: Defining the strategy for the advancement of the projects, the scientific approach to be followed, thinking of novel solutions, innovative formulations, design of trials, analysis of the results, reflection on the projects, on how to tackle various problems by proposing solutions founded scientifically and technologically, literature review, search of products and suppliers, writing reports, preparing presentations, is a work a manager has to do during manipulation of the machines?

Mr Benoualid: NO, no, it is not inappropriate training. I find it an essential hands-on learning, which aims to maximize the productivity and benefit the company.

The Target: Mr Benoualid, essential training courses as the one of elastomers which Hutchinson requests to all employees to undertake, including managers and technicians at the beginning of their employment has not yet been offered to me despite the numerous requests made over the last two years. Everything related to the role of manager has been cancelled for me but any unjustified demotion aiming to weaken my morale has been well fixed. Indeed, I was expected to be at work at 8 o clock and Mrs Carniol accused me wrongly to the director as well as to human resources of refusing attending the training.

Mr Benoualid: Indeed, she reported that she forced you to go to work at the machine as you were unwilling to attend the training. You must respect the professional training and honor the commitment for the benefit of the company.

The Target: This is another exasperating lie. She wrongly accused me of being unwilling to attend the training and she reported that she obliged me to go to the lab when in reality I was preparing to go to the mixer wearing the protection clothes. I did not refuse to attend any training. The e-mails I exchanged with the technician regarding the planification of the training were forwarded to the director and HR as evidences. I understand well that Mrs Carniol really wanted me to refuse to work at the machines in order to accuse me of refusing a training designed for the benefit of the company. I did not refuse it, but I do contest the request made to project managers to learn how to press the buttons of the machines and make a proper and thorough cleaning which changes illegally their role to operators.

Mr Benoualid: Mrs Carniol reported that you failed to be present at 8 o’clock for the training as you had arranged making the technician waiting for you. This accusation has been deemed very serious. You demonstrated a gross misconduct.

The Target: First of all, there was no appointment fixed at 8 o’clock. She entered my office at 9 being furious while I was wearing the protective clothing for going to the mixer. She yelled at me hitting her hand on the table because I was not at the machine at 8, indeed when the previous day I was asked to leave the company without any reason, without having any prior interview with HR and without having received any disciplinary letter in the past contrarily to the regulations. Initially HR manager Pauline Branger asked me out of the blue to go to another department to work in a field irrelevant to my expertise, experience and interest, indeed in the post of a technician for getting involved in experiments in the lab using toxic chemicals. The week after she demanded me to quit the company, amazingly within a month, again without letting me know any reason, without having any formal meeting for informing me about the alleged misconduct. When I told Mrs Carniol that I went to see earlier in the morning Mrs Branger, who had asked me just the previous day to leave the company, Mrs Carniol replied to me brutally: « You do not need to see her since you saw her yesterday. Pauline communicated to us that you do not quit the department tomorrow. Shall you leave? No!! So, go and work to the machines now!!!! " She amazingly threatened me that she would report to the director my unacceptable attitude and indeed, she later reproached me in a nasty e-mail she sent to Mr Garois for my unacceptable misconduct. She wrote that I do not follow the rules, although I had communicated to her clearly earlier in my office that I had not fixed the time for that training and that for other trainings the starting time was flexible. Another training for which I was asked to be at work at 8 had been held with two hours retard as we were waiting the delayed trainees to gather, so as to attend all together this brainstorming session. But, of course, no problem was reported and no reproach was made to delayed trainees that time. Regarding the training in mixer I had to clean the machine during the lunch time in order to find time to meet Mrs Branger at the afternoon to remind her the articles of the labour code concerning the moral harassment and the penalties for offenders for which by the way she never informed me contrarily to the law. Mrs Branger got for first time terrified. Although the facts which define the moral harassment had been well reported earlier by me, she ignored them, until I pronounced those two magic words, moral harassment, which made to her difference.

Mr Benoualid: No, no. We refuse your moral harassment claims. No, there is no such thing. Everything is for the benefit of the company. So, you have to assent to your superiors without question. It is not in your jurisdiction to judge the necessity of a training. If you want to belong to a company you must do what your boss asks you without question. Just do it. If there is no pain, there is no gain.

The Target: and you suck ass and train.

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